Books or Periodicals Written in
A book of cheerful cats By Francis, J. G. (Joseph Greene)
New York: 1892A book of images By Yeats, William Butler
London: 1898A butterfly chase By Stahl, P.-J. (Pierre-Jules Hetzel)
New York: 1869A collection of book plate designs By Rhead, Louis
Boston: 1907A companion to Mr. Bullock's London Museum and Pantherion By Bullock, William
London: 1812A history of British birds Beilby, Ralph, et al.
Newcastle: 1809A modern Utopia By Wells, Herbert George
London: 1905A new book of ornaments By Rosis, Angelo (aka A. Rossi)
London: 1753A new work of animals Æsop, et al.
London: 1811A nursery rhyme picture book [no.1] Anonymous
London, etc.: n.d. [1914]A round of days Collective work
London: 1866A week at Killarney Hall, Anna Maria (Mrs S. C. Hall), et al.
London: 1865A wonder book for girls & boys By Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Boston: 1892About Paris By Davis, Richard Harding
New York: 1895Actinologia britannica By Gosse, Philip Henry
London: 1860Æsop's fables (Griset) Æsop, et al.
London, etc.: n.d. [1869?]Æsop's fables (Tenniel) Æsop, et al.
London: 1848African scenery and animals By Daniell, Samuel
London: n.d. [1804-1805]Alice's adventures in Wonderland By Carroll, Lewis
London, etc.: 1901An alphabet of celebrities By Herford, Oliver
Boston: 1899An atlas of surgical apparatus By Chapman, Henry Thomas
London: 1832An epitome of the natural history of the insects of India By Donovan, Edward
London: 1800An old fairy tale: the sleeping beauty By Planché, James Robinson
London, etc.: 1868Appletons' cyclopaedia of applied mechanics, vol. 1 By Benjamin, Park (editor)
New York: 1880Appletons' cyclopaedia of applied mechanics, vol. 2 By Benjamin, Park (editor)
New York: 1880Armadale, vol. 1 By Collins, Wilkie
London: 1866Armadale, vol. 2 By Collins, Wilkie
London: 1866Auriol; or, The elixir of life By Ainsworth, William Harrison
London: n.d.Ballad stories of the affections By Buchanan, Robert Williams
London: n.d.Ballads and songs of Brittany By La Villemarqué, Théodore Hersart de
Cambridge, etc.: 1865Barber's picturesque illustrations of the Isle of Wight By Barber, Thomas
London: n.d. [1834?]Barrington By Lever, Charles James
London: 1872