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Author AnyAchard, AmédéeAdams, W. H. DavenportAinsworth, William HarrisonAlfred, Lord TennysonAlhoy, MauriceAlighieri, DanteAllen, WilliamAndersen, Hans ChristianAnderson, IsabelAnlezy, Imbert d'AnonymousApuleiusAria, Mrs. (Eliza Davis)Ariosto, LudovicoAsbjørnsen, Peter ChristenAudubon, John JamesAuriol, GeorgeAusten, JaneAyling, StephenBallantyne, Robert MichaelBalzac, Honoré deBangs, John KendrickBarber, ThomasBarrie, James MatthewBarthélemy, Auguste MarseilleBaum, Lyman FrankBeardsley, AubreyBeattie, WilliamBeaucé, VivantBeilby, RalphBenjamin, Park (editor)Bennett, Charles HenryBéranger, Pierre-Jean deBernard, ClaudeBernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques-HenriBewick, ThomasBinet, RenéBlake, WilliamBlanchard, PierreBlashfield, Evangeline WilbourBlashfield, John MarriottBouchot, FrédericBouchot, HenriBoukay, Maurice (Charles-Maurice Couyba)Bourgery, Jean-MarcBoys, Thomas ShotterBrehm, Alfred EdmundBrewer, GeorgeBritton, JohnBrockedon, WilliamBrockett, Linus PierpontBroinowski, Gracius JosephBrooke, Edward AdvenoBrooks, ShirleyBrothers GrimmBrowning, RobertBryant, William Cullen (editor)Buchanan, Robert WilliamsBullock, WilliamBulwer-Lytton, EdwardBunyan, JohnBürger, Gottfried AugustBurgess, Henry WilliamBurnam, Curtis FieldBurns, RobertByrne, OliverByron, George Gordon aka LordByron, May (Mary Clarissa)Cailleux, Alphonse deCandolle, Augustin Pyramus deCarroll, LewisCassin, JohnCatherwood, FrederickCazotte, JacquesCervantes Saavedra, Miguel deChamChapman, Henry ThomasChatrian, AlexandreChaucer, GeoffreyChevigné, Louis deCholmondeley-Pennell, HenryCima, GiuseppeClaretie, JulesColeridge, Samuel TaylorCollective workCollin de Plancy, JacquesCollins, WilkieCollodi, CarloColum, PadraicCombe, WilliamConty, Henry Auxcouteaux deCorneille, PierreCorneille, ThomasCotes, HenryCowper, WilliamCox, PalmerCraik, Dinah MariaCrane, WalterCrawford, Francis MarionCroly, GeorgeCuvier et al.Cuvier, GeorgesDalziel, EdwardDalziel, GeorgeDaniell, SamuelDaumier, HonoréDavidson, JohnDavis, Richard HardingDay, Lal BehariDe Morgan, MaryDe Sanctis, GabrieleDefodon, CharlesDelord, TaxileDenis, FerdinandDesbarrolles, AdolpheDescourtilz, Jean ThéodoreDescourtilz, Michel-ÉtienneDesnoyer, LouisDevoniaDickens, CharlesDobson, AustinDodgson, CampbellDomenech, EmmanuelDonovan, EdwardDoyle, Arthur ConanDu Maurier, GeorgeDullea, Owen JohnDumas, AlexandreEllis, Edwin JohnEngelmann, EmilEngelmann, GeorgeErckmann, ÉmileErwin, Emma d'Fabre, FrançoisFéval, PaulField, EugeneFiguier, LouisFisher, HarrisonFitzGerald, EdwardFitzinger, Leopold Joseph Franz JohannFlandin, EugèneFlint, Charles LouisForbes, James DavidFrancis, J. G. (Joseph Greene)Freeman, Mary Eleanor WilkinsFrémy, ArnouldFriedrich, WaltherFröhlich, KarlFrost, Arthur BurdettG. S. (Bernardo del Vecchio)Gaimard, Paul (under the direction of)Garnier, MaxGaskell, ElizabethGautier, ThéophileGavarni, PaulGay, JohnGeffroy, GustaveGérault-Richard, AlfredGibson, Charles DanaGillé, Joseph-GaspardGillies, MaryGoethe, Johann Wolfgang vonGosse, Philip HenryGould, JohnGourmont, Rémy deGrasset, EugèneGreenaway, KateGuillemin, AmédéeGuillemin, Jean Baptiste AntoineHaggard, Henry RiderHall, Anna Maria (Mrs S. C. Hall)Hall, Samuel CarterHavard, HenryHawthorne, NathanielHearn, LafcadioHennique, LéonHerford, OliverHerrick, RobertHooker, Joseph DaltonHooton, CharlesHope, LaurenceHorne, Thomas HartwellHoussaye, ArsèneHuart, LouisHuet, ChristopheHuette, CharlesHugo, VictorHuysmans, Joris-KarlIngoldsby, Thomas (Richard Harris Barham)Irving, WashingtonIsabey, Jean-BaptisteJacobs, JosephJames, George Payne RainsfordJames, GraceJames, ThomasJanin, JulesJohnson, Borough (preface)Jones, OwenJouy, Étienne deKarr, AlphonseKeene, CharlesKelly, Howard AtwoodKettell, Thomas PrenticeKhayyám, OmarKiprijanov, Valerjan A.Kitton, Frederic GeorgeKuhn, AlfredKurth, Willy (editor)L'Épine, ErnestLa Fontaine, Jean deLa Motte Fouqué, Friedrich deLa Villemarqué, Théodore Hersart deLabande, Léon-HonoréLaboulaye, ÉdouardLachèse, EliacinLalanne, LudovicLang, AndrewLaurent-JanLavallée, JosephLaw, DavidLawrence, JohnLayard, George SomesLe Goffic, CharlesLeech, JohnLefèvre, AndréLeighton, John (aka Luke Limner)Lemaire, CharlesLesage, Alain-RenéLever, Charles JamesLloyd, John UriLongfellow, Henry WadsworthLorrain, JeanLucian of SamosataLuzel, François-MarieMadame de SévignéMaeterlinck, MauriceMaillard, LéonMarryat, FrederickMartin, Robert MontgomeryMarx, RogerMasuccio, SalernitanoMay, PhilMayne-Reid, ThomasMeier-Graefe, JuliusMéray, AntonyMerian, Maria SibyllaMéry, JosephMichaux, François-AndréMidolle, JeanMillevoye, Charles-HubertMilton, JohnMoises, FranzMonnier, HenryMonro, Harold (introduction)MontesquieuMontesquiou, Robert deMoore, ThomasMore, HannahMorice, CharlesMorley, HenryMorris, WilliamMoser, David H. et al.Mucha, AlphonseMüller, EduardNavez, LouisNewell, PeterNodier, CharlesNus, EugèneOld Nick (Émile Daurand Forgues)Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines d'Orbigny, Charles Henry Dessalines d'Ortigue, Joseph d'Owen, Dora (editor)Pellico, SilvioPerrault, CharlesPfizer, Gustav (revision of the text)PhaedrusPhillips, David GrahamPiedagnel, AlexandrePillard Verneuil, MauricePlanché, James RobinsonPoe, Edgar AllanPotter, BeatrixPowys, Thomas 4th Baron Lilford (issued by)Pratt-Chadwick, Mara LouisePreiswerk, GustavPrisse d'Avennes, ÉmilePugin, AugustusPyle, HowardQuarles, FrancisRaban, Louis-FrançoisRabelais, FrançoisRaspe, Rudolf ErichReclus, OnésimeRedouté, Pierre-JosephReybaud, LouisRhead, LouisRitchie, LeitchRoberts, Charles George DouglasRoberts, EmmaRobida, AlbertRodigas, ÉmileRollin, CharlesRosenthal, LéonardRosis, Angelo (aka A. Rossi)Rundell, Joseph BenjaminRuskin, JohnRust, MargaretRydberg, ViktorS***, Abbé (Abbé Soumille)Saint-SimonSainte-Croix, Camille deSand, MauriceSarlandière, Jean-BaptisteScott, Robert PittisScott, WalterSeder, AntonSégur, Sophie, comtesse deShakespeare, WilliamShaw, GeorgeShelley, Percy ByssheSilvestre, Louis-CatherineSims, JohnSivartha, Dr. Alesha (Arthur E. Merton?)Smedley, Frank EdwardSmith, John ThomasSoldini, Francesco MariaSowerby, George Brettingham IISpenser, EdmundStahl, P.-J. (Pierre-Jules Hetzel)Steel, Flora Annie WebsterSteinlen, Théophile-AlexandreStephens, JamesStevenson, Robert LouisStrang, WilliamStrutt, Jacob GeorgeSüe, EugèneSurtees, Robert SmithSwift, JonathanTarkington, BoothTaylor, JustinTellier, JulesTennyson, AlfredThornton, Robert JohnTissandier, GastonTit, Tom (Arthur Good)Töpffer, RodolpheTristram, William OutramTrousset, Jules (under the direction of)Trouvelot, Étienne LéopoldTurbayne, Albert AngusTurgan, JulienUzanne, OctaveValenciennes, AchilleVan Houtte, Louis (under the direction of)Verne, JulesVidal, Emeric EssexViollet-le-Duc, Eugène EmmanuelVolz, Gustav BertholdWagner, RichardWalker, Dugald StewartWalker, GeorgeWallis, Isaac HenryWalsh, RobertWarren, John Byrne Leicester, Baron de TableyWegener, FriedrichWells, Herbert GeorgeWhite, GleesonWhymper, EdwardWilde, OscarWilliams, Archibald (editor)Willmott, Robert Aris (editor)Wright, George NewenhamWyatt, Matthew DigbyYeats, William ButlerÆsop
Date Published Any17301738-17401753175617761792179718001801-18031802180518071808180918111812181318141814-18351815181918201821182518261827182818291830183118321832-193718331834183518361836-184918371837-1845 (?)18381839184018411842184318441845184618471848184918501850-185118511851-18531851-185418521853185418551856185718581859186018611862186318641865186618671867-1871186818691870187118721873187418751876187718791880188118821883188418851885-18911885-1897188618871888188918901891189218931893-1894189418951896189718981899190019011902190319041905190619071908190919101911191219131914191519161917191919201921192219241933ca. 1850ca. 1900ca. 1922n.d.n.d. (after 1841)n.d. (after 1862)n.d. (after 1893)n.d. (after 1915)n.d. (before 1842)n.d. (before 1914)n.d. (First published 1839)n.d. [1760?]n.d. [1804-1805]n.d. [1812?]n.d. [1823]n.d. [1827-1833]n.d. [1828-1849?]n.d. [1834?]n.d. [1838]n.d. [1839?]n.d. [183?]n.d. [1840?]n.d. [1841?]n.d. [1843?]n.d. [1844?]n.d. [1848?]n.d. [1849]n.d. [1850?]n.d. [1852]n.d. [1856?]n.d. [1858]n.d. [1860?]n.d. [1864?]n.d. [1865?]n.d. [1866?]n.d. [1869?]n.d. [1870]n.d. [1871?]n.d. [1872?]n.d. [1873-1877]n.d. [1875?]n.d. [1880]n.d. [1881?]n.d. [1883]n.d. [1884]n.d. [1886]n.d. [1889?]n.d. [188?]n.d. [1891?]n.d. [1892?]n.d. [1896]n.d. [1897]n.d. [1899?]n.d. [1900?]n.d. [1901?]n.d. [1902]n.d. [1905?]n.d. [1906?]n.d. [1907]n.d. [1908?]n.d. [1911]n.d. [1913?]n.d. [1914]n.d. [1915?]n.d. [1916?]n.d. [1917]n.d. [1920]n.d. [1921?]n.d. [1922?]n.d. [1923?]n.d. [1924]n.d. [1927]n.d. [1928]n.d. [after 1883]n.d. [after 1887]n.d. [after 1925]n.d. [ca. 1740]n.d. [ca. 1833?]n.d. [ca. 1835]n.d. [ca. 1843?]n.d. [ca. 1845]n.d. [ca. 1848?]n.d. [ca. 1858]n.d. [ca. 1865?]n.d. [ca. 1871?]n.d. [ca. 1880?]n.d. [ca. 1885]n.d. [ca. 1896]n.d. [ca. 1900?]n.d. [ca. 1903?]n.d. [ca. 1904?]n.d. [ca. 1916]n.d. [ca. 1920?][1838-1840][ca. 1899]
Tag Any12th century15th century16th century1730s1740s1750s1760s1770s1790s17th century1800s1810s1820s1830s1840s1850s1860s1870s1880s1890s18th century1900s1910s1920s1930s19th century20th centuryAccipitridaeAcipenseridaeAcrididaeadmonishmentAfghanistanAfricaAgamidaeagricultureairshipalbum of typesAlcidaeAlgeriaAlhambraAliceallegoryalmanacalphabetAlpsAmaryllidaceaeAmericasamphibianAmsterdamAnatidaeanatomyAndalusiaAndersen's fairy talesangelangerAnhimidaeAnhingidaeanthropomorphicantiquityAotidaeApodidaeAppletonAppletons' cyclopaedia...aquaticAquifoliaceaearabesqueArabiaAraceaeAraliaceaearchaeologyArcticArdeidaeArecaceaeArgentinaarguingArmadaleArmeniaarmorartArt DecoArt NouveauArthurianartistArts and CraftsAsiaAsparagaceaeAsphodelaceaeassAssyrianAsteraceaeastronomyAubertAustraliaAustriabackdropballoonBarbadosbathingbattlebearBelgiumBerberidaceaeBerkshireBerlinberryBetulaceaebiblicalbirdBixaceaeblackblack & whiteblazonbleakBlind loveblueboatBoidaeBoliviabombasticBombinatoridaeBombycillidaebookbookplateborderBovidaeboxingBrassicaceaeBrehms TierlebenbridgebulbBurgosbutterflyCactaceaecactuscaesalpiniaceaecalligraphyCamelidaeCampanulaceaeCanadacanalcandleCanidaeCanterburycapitalCaprimulgidaecardCardinalidaecarefreecaricaturecaringcarnivalcarriageCarribeancartooncartoucheCaryophyllaceaecastlecatCathartidaecathedralCathedral antiquitiesCentral AmericaCentrarchidaeCercopithecidaeceremonyCervidaeChamaeleonidaeChateau d'AzayCheirogaleidaechildchildren's bookChileChinaChina: in a series of...ChinchillidaeChiropteraChlamyphoridaechromoxylographychurchCicadidaeCinclidaeciphercityscapeclericalcliffclimbingclockworkclothingclowncoat of armsCoccinellidaeColin ClinkcolorColoured figures of the birds...ColubridaeColumbidaecomicscommunicationconfusedConidaeconiferConstantinople: and the scenery...containerContes drolatiquescookingCoreidaeCornaceaecornercorniceCorvidaeCorytophanidaecostumeCotingidaecouplecourtshipcovercraftCrassulaceaecrawlingCroatiacrocodilianCrocodylidaecrocuscrowcrowdcrustaceancryingCuculidaeCucurbitaceaeCupressaceaecuriouscutawayCypraeidaeCyprinidaeDactylopiidaeDactylopteridaeDagestandanceDanubedarkDaturadead drummerdeathdeathbeddeerDenmarkdentistrydesertdesigndevilDevil's HeirdiagramDidelphidaeDie Werke Friedrichs des GroßendiningDinornithidaedinosaurdistillationdiverdivingdogdomeDon QuixotedracodragondrapedrawingdrinkDromaiidaeDroseraceaedrunkDryopteridaceaeduckDugongidaeeagleearthenwareeatingEbenaceaeEcuadoredibleeducationaleerieeggEgyptEgypt & NubiaelectricityelephantElephantidaeElizabethanElloraembarrassedEmberizidaeemblemembraceembroideryend paperEnglandEquatorial GuineaEquidaeEricaceaeEuphorbiaceaeEuropeexcitedExocoetidaeexplosionextinctFabaceaefableFables de La FontaineFagaceaefairyfairy taleFalconidaefallfallingFalse courtesanfanfantasticalFatal mistakeFaustfawningFelidaefemalefernfestivefiendishfigfightfinchfirefishfishingFlandersflap-upflatfishfleur-de-lisfleuronfloodfloralFlore des serres...FlorenceFloridaflowerflyingfoliagefoliatefoodfortfossilfoxframeFranceFranco-Prussian WarfranticFrederiksborgFregatidaefreshwaterfrightenedFringillidaefrogfrontispiecefruitfuchsiaFumariaceaeFurnegallowsgamegardengardeningGastropodagateGavialidaeGaviidaeGekkonidaeGentianaceaegeometricGeraniaceaeGermanyGesneriaceaeghostgiantGinkgoaceaeGiraffidaeGobiesocidaeGobioninaeGothicgourdgraftinggrapegrassGreat ExhibitionGreecegreengreetinggriffinGrimm's fairy talesGrossulariaceaeGuatemalaGulliver's travelsGymnotidaeH. PiazzaHaarlemHachetteHamamelidaceaeHamburghandbookhangingHansahappyHarpidaehatheaddressheadpieceHectopsyllidaehelmetheraldryhidinghinduismHippopotamidaeHirundinidaeHistioteuthidaehistoryHolocentridaeHondurashorrorhorsehoundHumpty DumptyhuntingHyacinthaceaeHylidaeHystricidaeIcelandIguanidaeimpertinentIndiaIndonesiaindoorsindustrialinsectinstrumentinterlacingIranIraqIrelandIridaceaeIslamicislandIsraelIstanbulItalyJ. M. DentJamaicaJapanJerusalemjesterjewelryJordanjumpingkeykingkissknifeknightL'ArtisteL'hermite...L'Illustration horticoleLa caricatureLa vie de jeune hommelaceLaisnélakeLamiaceaeLaniidaeLaridaelaughingLe magasin pittoresqueLe vicomte de BragelonneleafletleavesLebanonlecturelegalleisureLemuridaeLepidopteraLepisosteidaeLeporidaeLes actricesLes débardeursLes liliacéesLes lorettesLes merveilles de l'industrieLes mystères de ParisletterletteringlighthouselightingLiliaceaeLinaceaelionlisteningliteraturelithuanialittle folklizardLoliginidaeLondonLongman & Co.longshipLucknowLycosidaeLythraceaemachineMacropodidaeMadagascarMagnoliaceaemaleMalvaceaemammalmansionmarine mammalmarinonimarsupialmaskmechanicsmedallionmedicalmedievalMediterraneanMegalonychidaeMenuridaeMephitidaemergansermermaidMeropidaemessymetalworkMexicoMezquitaMichiganMiddle EastMilanmilitarymillminingmischiefmishapmixed gendersmockingmolluskMomotidaemonasterymoneymonkeymonstermoonMoorishMoraceaeMoschidaemosquemothMother GoosemountainmummyMunchausenMuricidaeMuridaemushroommusicMustelidaeMyricaceaeMyrtaceaemythologynatural disasternavyNémésis médicaleNetherlandsNew YorkNew ZealandNigerianightNoctuidaenocturnalNormanNorseNorth AmericaNorwayNotre-DamenuditynutoakOceaniaOctopodidaeoctopusOdobenidaeOld ChristmasOleaceaeOliver TwistOnagraceaeOnce a weekOne thousand and one nightsOnychoteuthidaeopticsorangeOrchidaceaeorgeres gangorielOsmeridaeOsphronemidaeOstraciidaeowlpainpaintingpalacePalestinepalm treepalmettepalmistryPandionidaePapaveraceaePapilionidaeparasiteparasolParidaeParisParis CommunepartingpasserinePassifloraceaepastoralpeddlingPelecanidaePennsylvaniaperformanceperiodicalPerupetPhalacrocoracidaePhasianidaePhasmatidaepheasantPhocidaePhoenicopteridaephysicsPicidaePictures of life and characterPierrotpigpilgrimpillarpilloryPipidaepiratePitheciidaePlatyxanthidaepleadingPleuronectidaePoaceaePoetry of Robert BurnsPolandpoliticsPolynesiaPolyprionidaeportraitPortugalPortunidaePre-Columbianpre-raphaeliteprehistorypressPrimulaceaeprintingprisonprisonerProcyonidaepromotionalproverbPsittacidaepublisher's markPunchputtoPythonidaeQuebecqueenrabbitraceraftrainRallidaerampartRamphastidaeRanidaeRanunculaceaeraptorratitereadingredreference bookreligiousRenaissancereptilerescueretrofuturismRhinocerotidaeridingRip Van WinkleritualriverRoberts's Holy LandRobin HoodrockRococorodentRomanesqueRomaniaRomanticismRomeroofrootRosaceaeroseRubiaceaeruinsruminantrunningruralRussiasadSalicaceaeSalmonidaesaltwaterSão Tomé and PríncipeSapotaceaeSarraceniaceaesatirescavengerschoolscience-fictionScilloideaeSciuridaeScolopacidaeScotlandsculptureseafrontsealseascapeSepiolidaeSerranidaeShakespeareshellfishSherlock HolmesshipshipwreckshootingshopshoutingshrubSicilysilhouetteSingaporesingingSittidaeskatingsketchskullsleepingSloveniaslySmarrasmilingsmokingsmugsnakesneakysnowSolanaceaesongsorrySouth AfricaSouth AmericaSpainsparrowSpenser's Faerie queeneSphyrnidaespicespidersportSS La ChampagneSt. BavostairssteamstiltsStomiidaestormstraitstreetStrigidaeSturnidaesubmarinesuicideSuidaesulidaesullensunfishsupernaturalsurgerySurinamesurpriseSwantypeSwedenswimmingSwitzerlandswordtailpiecetalkingtawnytempletentacleterracottaTetrarogidaeTettigoniidaetext separatortextbooktextileThe baronial halls...The begum's fortuneThe Cornhill magazineThe diverting history of John GilpinThe divine comedyThe illustrated London newsThe industrial arts of the...The Ingoldsby legendsThe mystery of Edwin DroodThe ravenThe rime of the ancient marinerThe stones of VeniceTheaceaetheaterthoughtfulThraupidaeThree little kittensthunderThymelaeaceaeTicknortimber-framedtitletombtorturetowerToxotidaetoytraintransportationtraveltravel to the moontravelingTreasure islandtreeTriglidaetropicaltulipTurkeytypographicTyrannidaeUKUkraineUlmaceaeUn beau-pèreundergroundunderwaterunicornunwelluprisingUrsidaeUruguayUSUzbekistanVaranidaevaseVeniceVespidaeVictorianVietnamvineVitaceaeViverridaevolcanovoluteVoyage dans l'Amérique méridionaleVoyages en Scandinavie...Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans...vultureWaagwaderwalkingWalloniawallpaperwarwarriorwatchingwaterfallweaponryweddingWest VirginiawhalewhitewindwindmillwinterwitchWives and daughterswolfwoodlandworkingworld's fairwreathwriterwritingXiphiidaeyellowYellow BookYet another dance of deathYork MinsteryouthZingiberaceaeZygophyllaceaeZygopteraÆsop's fables