Angers pittoresque By Lachèse, Eliacin
Angers: 1843Appletons' cyclopaedia of applied mechanics, vol. 1 By Benjamin, Park (editor)
New York: 1880Appletons' cyclopaedia of applied mechanics, vol. 2 By Benjamin, Park (editor)
New York: 1880Armadale, vol. 1 By Collins, Wilkie
London: 1866Armadale, vol. 2 By Collins, Wilkie
London: 1866Au jardin des gemmes By Rosenthal, Léonard
Paris: n.d. [1924]Auriol; or, The elixir of life By Ainsworth, William Harrison
London: n.d.Aventures de Robert-Robert et de son fidèle compagnon Toussaint Lavenette By Desnoyer, Louis
Paris: n.d. (First published 1839)Aventures de terre et de mer By Mayne-Reid, Thomas
Paris: n.d. [1872?]Ballad stories of the affections By Buchanan, Robert Williams
London: n.d.Ballads and songs of Brittany By La Villemarqué, Théodore Hersart de
Cambridge, etc.: 1865Barber's picturesque illustrations of the Isle of Wight By Barber, Thomas
London: n.d. [1834?]Barrington By Lever, Charles James
London: 1872Beauty and the Beast Anonymous
London, etc.: n.d.Bentley's miscellany, vol. 11 Collective work, et al.
London: 1842Bentley's miscellany, vol. 3 Collective work, et al.
London: 1838Bilder-atlas zur Wissenschaftlich-populären Naturgeschichte der Vögel in ihren sämmtlichen Hauptformen By Fitzinger, Leopold Joseph Franz Johann
Vienna: 1864Bilder-Atlas zur wissenschaftlich-populären Naturgeschichte der Wirbelthiere By Fitzinger, Leopold Joseph Franz Johann
Vienna: 1867Blake's illustrations to Dante By Blake, William
London: n.d. [1838]Blind love, vol. 1 By Collins, Wilkie
London: 1890Blind love, vol. 2 By Collins, Wilkie
London: 1890Blind love, vol. 3 By Collins, Wilkie
London: 1890Bold Robin Hood and his outlaw band By Rhead, Louis
London, etc.: 1912Brehms Tierleben, vol. 1 By Brehm, Alfred Edmund
Leipzig, etc.: 1893Brehms Tierleben, vol. 1 (second reprint) By Brehm, Alfred Edmund
Leipzig, etc.: 1920Brehms Tierleben, vol. 2 By Brehm, Alfred Edmund
Leipzig, etc.: 1900Brehms Tierleben, vol. 3 By Brehm, Alfred Edmund
Leipzig, etc.: 1900Brehms Tierleben, vol. 8 By Brehm, Alfred Edmund
Leipzig, etc.: 1900Brehms Tierleben, vol. 9 By Brehm, Alfred Edmund
Leipzig, etc.: 1900British sports & games Anonymous
Glasgow: n.d.Bruges; monumental et pittoresque By Navez, Louis
Brussels: n.d. [188?]Caricatures by Tom Tit By Tit, Tom (Arthur Good)
London: 1913