Books or Periodicals Written in
The conchological illustrations By Sowerby, George Brettingham II
London: 1832The Cornhill magazine new series, vol. 4 Collective work
London: 1885The Cornhill magazine, vol. 26 Collective work
London: 1872The Cornhill magazine, vol. 39 Collective work
London: 1879The cost By Phillips, David Graham
Indianapolis: n.d. [ca. 1904?]The costume of Yorkshire By Walker, George
London, etc.: 1814The crimson fairy book By Lang, Andrew
Bombay, etc.: 1903The Crystal Palace, and its contents Anonymous
London: 1852The dandy's perambulations Anonymous
London: 1819The Danube By Beattie, William
London: n.d. [1844?]The day dream By Alfred, Lord Tennyson
New York: 1886The days of chivalry, or the legend of Croquemitaine By L'Épine, Ernest
London, etc.: n.d. [1866?]The diverting history of John Gilpin By Cowper, William
Boston, etc.: 1906The earth fiend: a ballad By Strang, William
London: 1892The enchanted typewriter By Bangs, John Kendrick
London, etc.: 1899The English dance of death, vol. 1 By Combe, William
London: 1815The etchings of Charles Meryon By Dodgson, Campbell
London: 1921The fairy book By Craik, Dinah Maria
London: 1913The fairy tales of Charles Perrault By Perrault, Charles
London: n.d. [1922?]The first six books of the elements of Euclid By Byrne, Oliver
London: 1847The florist: containing sixty plates... Anonymous
London: n.d. [1760?]The garden of Kama By Hope, Laurence
London, etc.: n.d. [1914]The gardens of England By Brooke, Edward Adveno
London: n.d. [1858]The gift Collective work
London: 1866The Gordian knot By Brooks, Shirley
London: 1860The grammar of ornament By Jones, Owen
London: 1868The great sea horse By Anderson, Isabel
Boston: 1909The greymare romance By Ellis, Edwin John
London: 1891The haunters of the silences By Roberts, Charles George Douglas
Boston: 1907The heroines of Shakespeare By Shakespeare, William
Boston: n.d. [1850?]The history of the ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, vol. 1 By Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de
Edinburgh: 1908The hole book By Newell, Peter
New York: n.d. [1908?]