Books or Periodicals Written in
Grimm's household tales By Brothers Grimm
London, etc.: 1912Hans Andersen's fairy tales By Andersen, Hans Christian
London: n.d. [1917]Hansel & Grethel & other tales By Brothers Grimm
New York: 1920Heads of the people: or, Portraits of the English, vol. 1 Collective work
London: 1840Hoe & Co.'s catalogue of printing presses and printers' materials Anonymous
New York: 1881Household stories from the collection of the bros. Grimm By Brothers Grimm
London: 1914Howard Pyle's book of pirates By Pyle, Howard
London, etc.: n.d.Illustrations of Himalayan plants By Hooker, Joseph Dalton
London: 1855Illustrations of the birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America By Cassin, John
Philadelphia: 1862Irish fairy tales By Stephens, James
London: 1920Karl Fröhlich's frolicks with scissors and pen By Fröhlich, Karl
New York: 1879Kate Greenaway's almanack for 1893 Anonymous
London: n.d. [1892?]Keynotes series of novels and short stories Collective work
London: 1896Lalla Rookh: an Oriental romance By Moore, Thomas
London: 1861Leila; or, the siege of Granada By Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
London: 1857Lewis Arundel; or, The railroad of life By Smedley, Frank Edward
London: 1852Little Dorrit By Dickens, Charles
London: 1857Lives of famous London beggars By Smith, John Thomas
London: n.d. [1897]London cries & public edifices By Leighton, John (aka Luke Limner)
London: 1851Lucian's true history By Lucian of Samosata
London: 1902Masques of Cupid By Blashfield, Evangeline Wilbour
New York: 1901Milton's paradise lost By Milton, John
New York: n.d. [ca. 1880?]Miss or Mrs.? and other stories in outline By Collins, Wilkie
London: 1894Monograms & ciphers By Turbayne, Albert Angus
Edinburgh, etc.: n.d. [1906?]Mother Goose's nursery rhymes Anonymous
London, etc.: 1877Mother Goose: or, The old nursery rhymes Anonymous
London, etc.: n.d.Mr. Munchausen; being a true account... By Bangs, John Kendrick
Boston: 1901Mr. Punch at the play Collective work
London: n.d.Mr. Sponge's sporting tour By Surtees, Robert Smith
London: n.d. [1892?]Museum Leverianum By Shaw, George
London: 1792My dog By Maeterlinck, Maurice
London: 1913New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus: and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature By Thornton, Robert John
London: 1807