GAZELLE substantive (Arab. Ghaza). Mammal, genus of the antelope family, which includes a dozen species, characterized by horns shaped as a lyre or with a double curve, always ringed, whithout edge, and born by both male and female. Gazelles are graceful small quadrupeds of elegant figure, with soft eyes, a shy nature, and they run lightly and rapidly …Read more »
Tags: animals, bovidae, mammals, Trousset encyclopedia

GALLIPOLI (formerly Calliopolis), city in the European part of Turkey (vilayet of Edirneh) on a peninsula in the north-east of the Dardanelles, 180 km (112 miles) west-southwest of Constantinople, population about 30 000. It was taken by the Turks in 1357 …Read more »
Tags: Europe, history, landscapes, Trousset encyclopedia, Turkey

GINKGO substantive (Japanese name). Botany – genus of coniferous trees in the family Taxaceae(1), close to yews and including large trees with taproot, straight stem, covered with a grayish bark. Ginkgo biloba (salisburia adiantifolia), a large tree from China and Japan can reach enormous proportions; Bunge spoke of one of these trees …Read more »
Tags: China, fruit, Japan, plants, trees, Trousset encyclopedia

HASTINGS town in Sussex (England), 75 km (47 miles) south-southeast of London; population 29 290. low trade activity. Many visitors come during the bathing season. The Battle of Hastings, between William of Normandy and Harold …Read more »
Tags: buildings and monuments, history, Norman, Trousset encyclopedia, UK

HAMAMELIS (witch-hazel) substantive (gr. ama, at the same time; melon, fruit: fruit that reach maturity at the same time as the flowers). Botany – genus in the family Hamamelidaceae, of which we know only three or four species …Read more »
Tags: America, China, plants, Trousset encyclopedia

HERAT, fortified town in Afghanistan on the Hari River, 550 km west of Kabul, population approximately 50 000. It is located in a plain 835 m above sea level. The main public buildings are the citadel, several mosques and bazaars and the palace of the khan. The main items of trade are saffron and asafœtida. Carpet, coat …Read more »
Tags: Asia, history, landscapes, Trousset encyclopedia

LAPIDARY substantive – Someone who cuts precious stones.
– Encycl. All the equipment necessary to a lapidary consists almost exclusively of wheels and disks to grind, split and polish the surface of minerals. These wheels have just a few centimeters in diameter and are made of lead, tin, bronze or iron and various soft alloys; some of them, used to polish the softer minerals, are made from willow …Read more »
Tags: gemology, instrument, science and technology