KEY WEST (Span. Cayos huescos) — I One of the Florida Keys, 70 km (43.5 miles) from Cape Sable, population about 7 000. It is 12 km (7.5 miles) long and 2 to 4 km (1.2 to 2.5 miles) wide, and it rises little more than 4 m (13 ft) above sea level. Its formation is coralline; the shallow soil is made of crumbled coral mixed with some decomposed …Read more »
Tags: America, landscapes, sea, Trousset encyclopedia, US

GARTER substantive – Sort of ribbon, or strap, made of fabric and with which one’s stockings are held up, above or below the knee: elastic garters.
– Order of the Garter, the highest English order of chivalry. Some writers believe that this order date back to a tournament held in Windsor on …Read more »
Tags: history, miscellaneous, Trousset encyclopedia, UK

ISFAHAN or Esfahan (formerly Aspadana), former capital of Persia, in Iraq-Adjemi, 315 km (196 miles) south of Tehran, by 32° 39′ north latitude and 49° 24′ east longitude, population about 60 000. Isfahan is surrounded by groves, orchards, wheat fields and vineyards, in a vast plain watered by the Zeinderud. Three massive bridges span across this river. Spacious and …Read more »
Tags: Asia, buildings and monuments, city, Iran, Islam, mosque, Trousset encyclopedia

GUDGEON substantive (lat. gobio). Ichthyology – genus of cyprinoïd fishes close to the tench and including several species of freshwater fish. The ordinary gudgeon (gobio fluviatilis) is a small white fish that is usually caught by angling. Its flesh is highly esteemed. It can be found in all our clear and shallow waters. Its size is 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 in). Its food consists of worms, aquatic insects, larvae, small molluscs, etc.
Extract from the Trousset encyclopedia, 1886 – 1891.
Tags: animals, Europe, fish, Trousset encyclopedia, water

GAZA (arab. Ghazza), city in Syria, on the road leading to Egypt, between the Mediterranean and the desert, about 4 km (2.5 miles) from the sea. Population about 15 000. Important entrepôt for caravan traffic between Egypt and Syria. Gaza has few remains of antiquity. The only building worthy of interest is a mosque, formerly …Read more »
Tags: Asia, history, landscapes, Palestine, Trousset encyclopedia

KEW village in Surrey (England), on the south bank of the Thames, 12 km (7.5 miles) south-west of St. Paul in London, famous for its Royal Botanic Garden, the richest in the world, comprising 75 acres. It contains, among innumerable treasures, a considerable collection of trees and plants from Australia.
Extract from the Trousset encyclopedia, 1886 – 1891.
Tags: Europe, landscapes, Trousset encyclopedia, UK

LILAC substantive (Persian, lilac). Botany – Genus of Oleineae, in the subfamily Fraxineae, which includes several species of ornamental shrubs that bloom in early spring and bear small flowers, in numerous and very fragrant bunches: white lilac, red or purple lilac.
– Adjectiv. Blue mixed with red, which is usually …Read more »
Tags: flowers, Oleaceae, plants, trees, Trousset encyclopedia