The Tale Hath Here an End

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I cannot tell you, that which happened thereafter, save that knights and ladies and noble squires were seen to weep for the death of loving kinsmen. The tale hath here an end. This is the Nibelungs' fall.

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Hagen and Kriemhild, who is still holding a sword, lie dead in a palace hall as the people around lament their deaths. Above the main motif, a smaller illustration refers to a related episode. Below it, a speech scroll held by two mermaids bears the epilogue, which reads in the original Middle High German:

Ich enkan iu niht bescheiden
Was sider da geschach:
Wan riter unde vrouwen
Weinen man da sach
Dar zuo die edeln knehte,
Ir lieben friunde tot.
Hie hat das mær ein ende: ditze ist der Nibelunge not.

The caption in English was taken from Daniel Bussier Shumway’s translation of The Nibelungenlied published in Boston & New York by the Houghton Mifflin Company, 1909.

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