The Road to Perdition
All Resolutions
He determined to follow her, in order to ascertain whither she would lead him—to Paradise or to the limbo of hell—to a gibbet or to an abode of love. Anything was a gleam of hope to him, in the depth of his misery.
A young man follows a woman wearing a hennin through the streets of an imaginary medieval city. Houses are made of structures such as bartizans and corbeled windows built on top of each other, and stretching to eerie and unrealistic heights.
This picture is an illustration for the story titled “How the chateau d’Azay came to be built,” from Droll Stories.
The caption reads in the original French:
Il se délibéra de la pourchasser, à ceste fin de savoir où elle le meneroyt, en paradiz ou ez limbes de l’enfer, au gibet ou dedans un reduict d’amours, tout luy feut espoir au fund de sa misère.
The translation provided here is from the edition published in London by the Bibliophilist Society, 1874.