As It Starts Raining
All Resolutions
I was in too much need of an omnibus to wait for it, but as soon as it starts raining, they all seem to disappear as if by magic.
A couple walks arm in arm as it starts raining and the man holds up an umbrella to protect his much taller wife while a carriage with a sneering coachman drives off in the background.
The caption reads in the original French: J’avais trop besoin d’un omnibus pour oser l’attendre, et, quand il pleut, les fiacres disparaissent comme par enchantement.
Two different sources have been used for this series: the prints provided by the MET, on loose sheets from the 1843 Fournier edition, and the book made available by the University of Toronto Library, probably published in 1870 (our main reference for the whole series). The scans from the MET are of an overall better quality, but they don’t include the full set of illustrations which can be found in the book.