Ross Castle—Killarney

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Ross Castle—Killarney.

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View of Lough Leane dotted with a few sparse boats as the ruins of Ross castle can be seen in the background, together with mountains a little farther in the distance. Ross Island is described as follows by the authors:

Ross is more properly a peninsula than an island, being separated from the main land only by a narrow cut through a morass, which it is more than probable was a work of art, with a view to strengthen the fortifications of the castle. The island, for so it must now be termed, is the largest island of the lake. It contains about eighty plantation acres, richly and luxuriantly cultivated; a portion of it is converted into a graceful and carefully kept flower-garden, where seats are placed so as to command the more striking and picturesque views; and in every part, Nature has been so judiciously trained and guided, that the whole scene is one of surpassing beauty.

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