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Nautical velocipede.

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A man riding a hydrocycle on a lake waves his cap at the coxswain and the crew of a rowing boat training at some distance. This hydrocycle is described as follows by the author:

There are two hollow tin “floats” of cylindrical form, and tapered at the ends. These floats are joined together by a platform made of very light wood, on which the seat of the worker is raised, and underneath is the machinery for propelling the velocipede. The motive power is very simple, and corresponds to that employed to propel the bicycle on land, by the feet of the rider, the wheel being furnished with paddles in the water velocipede. A rudder, which can easily be worked by cords, gives the velocipedist complete control of the machine, the steering being performed by a handle similar to that which the bicyclist uses to turn the machine he rides.

The caption reads in the original French: Vélocipède nautique.

Caption and translation taken from the English edition titled Popular scientific recreations in natural philosophy, astronomy, geology, chemistry. London: Ward, Lock, and Co., n.d. [ca. 1882].

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