Misty Outline of a Human Figure
All Resolutions
A ghostly figure is sitting at a small round pedestal table while in the background, two large eyes set in an indistinct head emerge from the deep shadow.
This illustration is part of a series which wasn’t included in a published book, but makes up a portfolio consisting of seven sheets, as described by André Mellerio.
The caption, in this French translation of The Haunted and the Haunters, reads as follows: Je vis dessus le contour vaporeux d’une forme humaine.
“La maison hantée.” Six lithographs and a frontispiece. [1896] Edition of 60 copies on chine appliqué by Clot, Paris. Format 315 x 450 mm. Series published at the expense and under the care of Mr. René Philipon as a visual commentary to his translation of a work by Bulwer-Lytton: “The Haunted and the Haunters.” Stones defaced.
(La Maison Hantée. Six lithographies et un frontispice. [1896] Tirage à 60 exemplaires sur Chine appliqué par Clot, à Paris. Format quart grand-colombier. Album édité aux frais et par les soins de M. René Philipon, pour servir de commentaire à sa traduction d’une œuvre de : Bulwer-Lytton. La Maison Hantée. Pierres effacées.)
André Mellerio. Odilon Redon, peintre, dessinateur et graveur. Paris: H. Floury, 1923, p. 188.
(Translation ours)