The Lion's Share
All Resolutions
The Lion's Share
Easy! easy, gentlemen! we have one hundred louis, of which eighty are mine and eighteen belong to Count de St. Bertrand. This leaves two louis, and fifteen of you to claim them... How strange are these endless complaints!! How can one be so wrong, really? Dash it, gentlemen, aren't we all respectable people? Sort it out, split these two louis and let's not make a scene.
A card player grabs the money on the table, pushing aside those he feels might disagree while his confederate holds out his hand to get his cut. The caption reads in the original French:
La part du lion.
— Doucement ! doucement, messieurs ! Nous avons cent louis ; il m’en revient quatre-vingt, dix-huit à monsieur le comte de St. Bertand, restent deux, et vous êtes quinze pour les réclamer… C’est singulier, ces éternelles réclamations !! Vraiment on ne peut pas se tromper comme ça… Que diable, messieurs, nous sommes tous d’honnêtes gens, arrangez-vous, partagez ces deux louis, ne faisons pas de scandale !
- 1830s,
- 19th century,
- Aubert,
- black & white,
- card,
- game,
- male