Desmophyllum pertusum, Peachia hastata, Etc.
All Resolutions
Lophelia prolifera.—Peachia triphylla.—Sphenotrochus wrichtii.—S. mac andrewanus.—Zoanthus couchii.—Paracyathus taxilianus.—P. pteropus.—P. thulensis.—Phyllangia americana.—Balanophyllia regia.—Cyathina smithii.
Color plate showing a patch of rocky marine ecosystem populated by various species of sea anemones. Algae and a scallop shell can also be seen on the rocks and seabed. Below is the full list of featured species of sea anemones, in alphabetical order. The currently accepted name, when different from that referenced in the book, is mentioned in parentheses:
- Balanophyllia regia (Balanophyllia [Balanophyllia] regia)
- Cyathina smithii (Caryophyllia [Caryophyllia] smithii)
- Lophelia profifera (Desmophyllum pertusum)
- Paracyathus pteropus (Caryophyllia [Caryophyllia] smithii)
- Paracyathus taxilianus (id.)
- Paracyathus thulensis (id.)
- Peachia triphylla (Peachia hastata)
- Phyllangia americana
- Sphenotrochus mac andrewanus (Sphenotrochus [Sphenotrochus] andrewianus)
- Sphenotrochus wrightii (Sphenotrochus [Sphenotrochus] andrewianus andrewianus)
- Zoanthus couchii (Epizoanthus couchii)
This illustration is also available with its full legend.