Looking down at Them
All Resolutions
...Crowded with painted and ragged drunkards, men and women, dancing and shouting till dawn. A man who was there told me. And as the day came they became aware of a fighting-machine standing near by the Langham and looking down at them.
A small crowd dances and frolics in the street at night, illuminated by the light of a single storefront, while a towering, robot-like figure watches from the darkness.
The caption reads in this Belgian edition:
… Où se pressa bientôt une multitude d’ivrognes en haillons, hommes et femmes, qui dansèrent et hurlèrent jusqu’à l’aurore. Quelqu’un qui s’y trouvait m’a conté la chose. Quand le jour parut, ils aperçurent une machine de combat marsienne [sic] qui, toute droite dans l’ombre, les observait avec curiosité.