A Street in Legnica, Poland

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A street in Legnica, Poland.

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View of a street in Legnica with the cathedral in the background.
Legnica is a city on the Kaczawa River in Poland. It was formerly known as Lignica and later as Liegnitz. Its name is associated with the Battle of Wahlstatt or Battle of Legnica fought against the Mongols April 9, 1241.

Along with most of Silesia, it successively fell under the authority of Bohemia and of the Habsburg monarchy until 1742 when Legnica was incorporated into the Kingdom of Prussia, ruled by Frederick the Great. It became part of the German empire in 1871. After 1945 it was ceded to Poland and the German population was expelled. The city was then renamed Legnica.

The caption reads in the original French: Une rue de Liegnitz.

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