Interior of the Principal Building at Kabah

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Interior of the principal building at Kabah.

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Interior view of a Mayan building with a vaulted ceiling and overgrown with vegetation. It is described as follows by the author:

The interior consists of two parallel chambers, the one in front being twenty-seven feet (8.20 m) long and ten feet six inches (3.20 m) wide; and the other of the same length, but a few inches narrower, communicating by a doorway in the centre. The inner room is raised two feet eight inches (0.8 m) higher than the front, and the ascent is by two steps, carved out of a single block of stone, the lower one being in the form of a scroll. The sides of the steps are enriched with a similar ornament to that of the facade of the building. Extending from either side of this ornament to the ends of the apartment are small engaged columns, without either base or capital. The whole composition is graceful and pretty, and tile scroll step in particular is one of the most appropriate designs to be met with in Yucatan.

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