Santo Domingo Convent, Buenos Aires

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Church of San Domingo.

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Hand-colored aquatint showing the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary and Santo Domingo Convent in the Monserrat neighborhood of Buenos Aires, with figures in the foreground. This view is complemented by the following words:

The church of San Domingo, with its dependent monastery, occupies a whole quadra, one hundred and fifty yards square, and is an object of curiosity, as the place where the British General Craufurd was cooped up, and obliged to surrender, on occasion of the disastrous attempt to recover the city made on the unfortunate 5th of July, 1807; … The church of San Domingo is in a state of dilapidation, and has nothing within worthy of note besides the colours and a good organ. … In the foreground are exhibited the varieties of church and street costume.

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