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Six varieties of carnations can be seen near a riverbank under ominous clouds, set against a backdrop of woodland and hilly landscape. The author further informs us as follows:

Florists distinguish carnations into four divisions:

  1. Flakes, of two colors only, and their stripes large, going quite through the petals.
  2. Painted Ladies, having the petals of a red, or purple, on the upper part only, and the under side of a clear white.
  3. Bizarre, flowers striped or variegated with three or four different shades of color
  4. Piquettes, a white or yellow ground, edges toothed and spotted, or, to use the florist’s expression, pounced, with scarlet, red, or purple.

In our plate of these carnations there are two purple flakes; the upper is Palmer’s Duchess of Dorset, and the lowest one Palmer’s Defiance. There are two scarlet bizarres; that on the right is Caustin’s British Monarch, and the center one, a paler red is Midwinter’s Duchess of Wurtemberg. likewise there are two piquettes; the red piquette is Davey’s Defiance, and the purple one the Princess of Wales.

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