Bronze Age Instruments

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Instruments found at Unteruhldingen.

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Bronze instruments found at Unteruhldingen:

  1. Sickle
  2. Pin
  3. Hook
  4. Axe blade
  5. Knife
  6. Spear head
  7. Pin

The Bronze Age was a period in human cultural development when a bronze alloy, obtained by melting copper and tin, became widely used to make tools, weapons, and jewels, etc. It really began at the end of the third millenary B.C. and it corresponds to the rise of the first great empires in Egypt, Assyria and India.

Because of the rarity of tin ore, archeologists believe that commercial activities began to grow, from 2500 B.C. onwards, around Malaysia through the Persian Gulf and possibly around Nigeria, and later around Brittany and Cornwall.

The caption reads in the original French: Instruments de bronze trouvés à Unteruhldingen. — 1. Faucille. — 2. Épingle. — 3. Hameçon. — 4. Celt muni de sa douille. — 5. Couteau. — 6. Pointe de lance. — 7. Épingle.

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